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    The domain name consists of 9 characters.

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The term referring“ is e.g. being used in the following contexts:

Strawson wurde bekannt durch seinen Artikel On Referring (1950), einer Kritik an Bertrand Russell s Theory of Descriptions , die aufzeigt, … an argument referring to a participant should follow from the representation of the verb or any other predicate coding the state of affairs. … referring-q%22Engelbert+Lap%22 Ankündigung des Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information … William D. Glanznam: Limestone inscription referring to the building of a palace and the lastet reference to the Ḥimyrarite King Shammar … notes and additions referring to the condition of the work up to February 1897, British Association for the Advancement of Science, London 1900 … Autor Patrick Hunout, Maya David, Jean Dewitt | Herausgeber | Titel Referring Governments to the Community: Henry David Thoreau Revisited … htm Museum Arad: The contemporary Romanian art is present through a selective cliché, referring to trends and personalities relevant for … (1985b): The semantics of Yurok terms referring to water. AL 27/4 (Winter 1985): 353-362 (1985c): Yurok derivation. KWPL 10: 101-144 … html | title Yeoh described the movie as “an incredible love story that has political turmoil within,” referring to Suu Kyi’s relationship … Literatur : P.F. Strawson: "On Referring". Mind 59, 1950. 320-344. Dt in: Ursula Wolf : Eigennamen Frankfurt a.M. 1985. 49 - 126. … Turkish aq sū (“white water”) is a technical term referring to the original bed of a river, by contrast with qara sū (“black water”), used … It’s difficult to discuss Jazz without referring to individual tracks one by one, since it can come off as a collection of moments, … Lazarovici, Gheorghe and Merlini Marco: 2005 “New archaeological data referring to Tărtăria tablets”, in Documenta Praehistorica XXXII, … complained that the music was painful – she wasn't referring to any abstract reaction, she was grimacing), be advised that Antilles is a … Referring to Wassilj Timofejewitsch Pokrowsky (1839-1877). Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Milch. 1874. Die Lehre von den fermentativen … On the particular evening to which I am now specially referring, after the musical feast was over, we sat down to an excellent supper, and … 152: „The practice of using the third person pronoun excessively, especially in referring to oneself“,James C. McKusick, ‚Living Words‘: … When the Witch of Endor calls Mars Ultor “Warlock”, she is, of course, referring to the last time he broke his oath and betrayed the … of that world that any words we utter will be heard as necessarily referring(Wenn das, was folgt, Kommunikation oder Verständnis ist, wird … htm ADL Says Susan Sarandon Should Apologize For Referring To Pope Benedict XVI As 'A Nazi', Anti-Defamation League, 17. Oktober 2011, … Nguyen called this the “Barbra Streisand effect,” referring to that actress’s insistence that paparazzi photos of her mansion not be used … Oktober 1536 "he told her, prudently enough, to get up, and he had often told her not to meddle with his affairs, referring to the late … Since then, at first referring to Jensen’s convex functions, then more openly, without needing any explicit reference, the definition of … (2) a summary list referring to the plan and showing the position of the objects forming a whole, such as sarcophagi, boats, funerary … Oktober 1536 "he told her, prudently enough, to get up, and he had often told her not to meddle with his affairs, referring to the late …

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