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    The domain name consists of 10 characters.

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    The first entry in the Internet Archive is from 12.05.2013 and has been crawled 20 times.

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The term prescribes“ is e.g. being used in the following contexts:

Reports [the height of the lettering on the covers of which] the government prescribes ... Deutsch nicht: * Berichte, [die Höhe der Beschriftung deren Umschläge] The emperor's new clothes – can chemotherapy survive? In: Australian Prescriber Februar 2008, Bd. 29, S. 2–3 L. Mileshkin, D. Rischin, H. M. Prince, language in Uganda to be used in such circumstances as Parliament may by law prescribe.“  Unsere Familie. Kalender der Neuapostolischen Kirche 2005. Friedrich language in Uganda to be used in such circumstances as Parliament may by law prescribe.” Faktisch ist Swahili die Kommandosprache von Polizei und Militär und heute jedoch weiterhin angewandt. Ferner gibt es den Typ des „bedside prescriber“, das heißt relativ kompakte Sammlungen von Symptomen und Anwendungstipps eine Art Minimalprogramm.“ – S. 227, deutsche Ausgabe “Law may prescribe that the male nipples be made equal to the female ones, but they still Variable Print Specification (VPS) (Weiterentwicklung von PostScript) Prescribe II (Kyocera Document Solutions) → Hauptartikel: Spooling In aktuellen 24. Okt. 2006 (CEST) Zitat: What right has the parliament of France to prescribe by law the correct historical terminology to characterise what another Westminister. London 1789. General observations on the power of individuals to prescribe, by testamentary dispositions, the particular future uses to be made of Parliament. 18. Juni 2013. Abgerufen am 2. Juli 2013: „Directive should prescribe the use of both basic Type 2 socket (as written today) and Type 2 with Parliament. 18. Juni 2013. Abgerufen am 2. Juli 2013: „Directive should prescribe the use of both basic Type 2 socket (as written today) and Type 2 with von Swissmedic. 29. Januar 2014. Mefloquine and visual disturbances. Prescriber Update 2013; 34(4) December. New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices requires, is preposterous. What I would, with many wishes for success, prescribe to Tennyson-indeed, without it he can never be a poet in act-is to write not then held for redemption of any outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denominations of such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver 1701 of this title, the President may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, by means of instructions, licenses, or otherwise - (A) investigate, regulate anyone learns in an American government course is that the Constitution prescribes a government consisting of three branches: the legislative, the executive Levit's. Tell me, does anyone verifying data from en: Wikipedia or you just prescribe number to number? pjahr 14:52, 6. Mai 2009 (CEST) Second variation ;-) prophylaxis; (Adjektiv) prophylactic proscribe verbieten, ächten vorschreiben prescribe, dictate prospect Aussicht Prospekt brochure, leaflet provision Versorgung that are considered "male" or "unclean". Though no religious scripts prescribe the practice, practitioners often believe the practice has religious support palpatory diagnosis and manipulative therapy. The Doctor of Osteopathy prescribes drugs and is qualified to practice in all branches of medicine and surgery the physicians who chose to respond were more favourably disposed to prescribe placebo treatments than most physicians. However, our findings are consistent Verletzungen von Gehirn oder Wirbelsäule zu therapieren.Physical therapists prescribe Wii time, Reuters, 6. Dezember 2007. Ein weiterer Bericht beschreibt consider it "a placebo treatment", and state that it is "bad medicine" to prescribe pure placebos.[12] Auch das folgende finde ich sehr gut formuliert: The number of reasons unrelated to any specific effect of the treatment we prescribe [8]. Und das ist die Andere: Amongst all the placebos that exist, homeopathy und sagt: „I would argue it is unnecessary, unreliable and unethical to prescribe placebos through the NHS. Unnecessary because if you do it well then an

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